Exploring Liteverse.io: The first NFT marketplace on the Litecoin network with my first collection dedicated to the Mighty Mia Event #dancingforjoy + Quick Sign up and funding tutorial

As one true OG  Litecoin   enthusiast, I wanted to test the site, or better, the NFT marketplace  Liteverse.io  since its launch in 2022. At first, I claimed Litecoin Summit collectors NFT. But, for several reasons, the test of minting my first NFT got a bit delayed. But now I finally have the time and the need to make use of it for a larger cause. I am sad I procrastinated a little. As it would have been a great honor to be the first one to give it a try, but given my lack of technical skills to use just code to mint outside of a marketplace, waiting was a great idea since the site is super user-friendly and it's quality has improved considerably. I would say Liteverse.io is ready for the mainstream. Minting on it or acquiring an NFT on the Litecoin network is now a Piece of cake! In this article I will describe my experience, the reason why my first series of NFTs was created, and most importantly the advantages and disadvantages of creating an nft (Non-fungible Token) or an nft

Cripto Notícia: McDonalds anuncia o lançamento da moeda global MacCoin

(English translation below)

As Crypto moedas estão chegando cada vez mais perto do objetivo mais: Adoção em massa. No dia 19 de julho de 2019 o grande gigante corporativo, McDonalds anunciou o lançamento da edição especial limitada da MacCoin criada para a celebração de 50 anos do famoso Big Mac. A introdução dessa "food-backed" moeda global promete chacoalhar o espaço das moedas estáveis como o Ether, a Havven e outras. 

O lançamento da moeda acontece amanhã dia 2 de Agosto e os clientes do McDonalds vão receber uma MacCoin com a compra de 1 Big Mac em 14,000 restaurantes nos Estados Unidos.

Quem está visitando ou mora no Pais não deixe de comer alguns Bic Macs para arrecadar essa moeda. Edição ilimitada comemorativa que vale a pena colecionar ou trocar por mais um Big Mac. Serão 6.2 milhões de MacCoins distribuídas em 50 países e elas terão 5 designs, cada um celebrando uma década do Big Mac. Apesar da moeda ser física e não virtual no momento o poder dessa campanha de marketing é simplesmente transformar o conceito que as pessoas tem sobre o dinheiro. Ao criar uma moeda própria o McDonalds ja sabe que logo vai conseguir criar sua economia própria
e eu acredito que o proximo passo será transformar a MaCoin em uma moeda virtual. Amanha saberemos mais detalhes!

Redatora:Michelle Mafra

Blog: MamãeCrypto

Fonte: McDonalds News

English Translation

Crypto News: McDonalds announces launch of global currency MacCoin

Crypto currency is one step closer to its main goal: Mass adoption. On July 19, 2019 the corporate giant, McDonalds announced the launch of MacCoin's limited edition created for the 50th anniversary celebration of the famous Big Mac. The introduction of this "food-backed" global currency promises to shake the space of stable coins such as Ether, Havven and others.

The launch of the coin happens on August 2nd and McDonalds customers will receive a MacCoin with the purchase of 1 Big Mac in 14,000 restaurants in the United States.

Anyone who is visiting or living in the Country must grab Bic Macs to collect few MacCoins. They are limited commemorative edition worth collecting or simply just trade them for another Big Mac anywhere in the world. There will be total of 6.2 million MacCoins distributed in 50 countries and they will have 5 designs, each celebrating a decade of the Big Mac. 
Although the currency is physical and not virtual at the moment the power of this marketing campaign is simply to transform the concept that people have about money. By creating a currency of its own, McDonalds knows that it will soon be able to create its own economy and I believe the next step will be to turn MaCoin into a virtual currency as well. We'll know more details tomorrow. I cannot wait to grab few!
Editor: Michelle Mafra

Source: McDonalds News



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