Exploring Liteverse.io: The first NFT marketplace on the Litecoin network with my first collection dedicated to the Mighty Mia Event #dancingforjoy + Quick Sign up and funding tutorial

As one true OG  Litecoin   enthusiast, I wanted to test the site, or better, the NFT marketplace  Liteverse.io  since its launch in 2022. At first, I claimed Litecoin Summit collectors NFT. But, for several reasons, the test of minting my first NFT got a bit delayed. But now I finally have the time and the need to make use of it for a larger cause. I am sad I procrastinated a little. As it would have been a great honor to be the first one to give it a try, but given my lack of technical skills to use just code to mint outside of a marketplace, waiting was a great idea since the site is super user-friendly and it's quality has improved considerably. I would say Liteverse.io is ready for the mainstream. Minting on it or acquiring an NFT on the Litecoin network is now a Piece of cake! In this article I will describe my experience, the reason why my first series of NFTs was created, and most importantly the advantages and disadvantages of creating an nft (Non-fungible Token) or an nft

Experimento de Mineração de Cripto Moeda: Minerando JSE e XMR Monero e ver qual das duas será mais rentável

Oi Pessoal,

Recentemente eu decidi colocar dois computadores velhos que estavam guardados na garagem para funcionar e comecei a minerar 2 cripto moedas diferentes: A XMR Monero e a JSE Jsecoin. Decidi então fazer esse experimento e ver qual das duas vai me trazer mais retorno.
 Bitcoin on a keyboard of Marco Verch

Os dois computadores possuem mais ou menos a mesma capacidade e comecei a minerar a JSE apenas 1 dia antes da XMR. quando comecei a minerar a XMR no site da Coinhive o computador desligou sozinho umas 3 vezes então decidi limpar os dados e também diminui a velocidade da mineração para 60% e o número de threads para 4. Depois desses ajustes tudo certo! Primeiro dia de mineração: dia 4 de Julho de 2018 e vamos dizer que a JSE teve 1 dia de vantagem.

A diferença entre as moedas  

  • XMR Monero já é uma moeda estabelecida e oferecida em vários exchanges e por isso muitos mineram a moeda.
  • O nível de dificuldade de mineração portanto é bem maior que a JSE. A JSEcoin está nascendo no momento com 3500 pessoas em média minerando
  • É bem mais fácil adquirir 1 JSE pelo mesmo método.

Cotaçao de hoje:
XMR = $142 dólares
JSE = 0.006 Euro

Mineração 07/19/2018

XMR mineradas: 0.00011331 (Computador desligou algumas vezes e devo ter perdido mais 24hrs)
JSE mineradas: 805 (computador desligou também +/- 24hrs)
JSE mineradas no blog: 206 (OPT-ins do blog pois uso a opção de web browser mining nesse blog como uma forma de monetizar o site, no momento o blog rendeu $1.23 euros)
JSE mineradas no total: 1011 

Ps: Essa estatística não inclui meu custo para manter os 2 computadores ligados

Daqui à algumas semanas vou atualizar!

Se você gostaria de um pouco mais de informação sobre o projeto da JSE assista esse vídeo


Crypto Mining Experiment: Mining JSE and XMR using my CPU, which will bring more returns?

Hi folks,

Recently I decided to put two old computers that were stored in my garage to work and I started to mine 2 different crypto coins: XMR Monero and JSE Jsecoin. I decided to do this experiment, record the data and see which of the two crypto currencies will bring me the most return this year.

Both computers have more or less the same capacity and I started mining the JSE only 1 day before XMR. When I started mining the XMR in Coinhive's website the computer shut itself down 3 times so I decided to clear the data and also slow the mining down to 60% and decrease the number of threads to 4. After these adjustments everything worked fine! First day of mining: July 4, 2018 and let's say JSE had a 1-day lead.

The difference between the currencies: XMR Monero is already an established currency and offered in several exchanges and therefore there are many mining this currency and the level of difficulty is much greater than the JSE. JSEcoin is currently being born with 3,500 people on average mining, and it is much easier to acquire 1 JSE by using the CPU mining method than 1 XMR.  That’s when price comes to play

Quotation for today:
XMR = $ 142 dollars
JSE = 0.006 Euro

Mining data until 07/19/2018

XMR mined: 0.00011331 (Computer hung up a few times and I must have lost more 24hrs)
JSE mined: 805 (computer shut down also +/- 24hrs)
JSE mined in blog: 206 (OPT-ins of the blog because I use the option of web browser mining in this blog as a way to monetize the site, at the moment the blog yielded $ 1.23 euros)
JSE mined in total: 1011

Ps: This statistic does not include my cost to keep the 2 computers connected

In a few weeks I will make sure update!

If you would like some more information about the JSE project watch this video



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My opinions are simply my opinions and not investment advice. I strongly recommend everyone investing or looking to earn or acquire cryptocurrencies to do their own research and get very educated about risks and security before acquiring, earning or investing. The content in this blog/ website is not investment advice. Please note that this web site also features sponsored content and referral affiliate links. Which means that when you click on some links and sign up for a product or service I may receive I small commission or credit for the referral. Most the the links also will give you an invite incentive that most often you would not receive if you do not use a referral invite link.


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